How to do Halal investing as a beginner?

How to do Halal investing as a beginner?

Halal Investing is an investment term that complies with Shariah. Halal investment can also be seen as a type of socially responsible investment in modern language. In accordance with Islam’s religious tenets, Shariah’s goal is to protect and maintain five areas: religion, life, intellect, and the family. A balanced ecosystem of social responsibility between society…

5 reasons to invest in entertainment industries

5 reasons to invest in entertainment industries

There are many investment opportunities in Kerala. As a bonus, we will be looking into a unique investment opportunity as well. Doing investment in the entertainment sector is often described as involving high risks, but investors decide to put money into it for many reasons.  In addition to the risk, high returns and a reward that…

Best investment options that will change your Life!

Best investment options that will change your Life!

People in Calicut are always looking for short-term investment in Calicut for improved options to get good financial returns. The right move, however, is a question of clear planning and long-term reflection. Investment is important because money earnings alone are not enough in today’s world. For the money, you earn you work hard. But that might not…

How being a Beginner in Investing is not as Bad as You Think?

How being a Beginner in Investing is not as Bad as You Think?

Having a mindset to start investing is the biggest step you can take. Rest will follow on with experience Many people believe investing is a job that requires high intellectual people behind those big screens focusing on how the market is changing and then buy or sell according to that. But, let me tell you…